Goffe Street Armory Public Meeting #2

Goffe Street Armory Public Meeting #2
Upwards of 100 citizens gathered at Hillhouse High School Cafeteria gathered for public forum about the Goffe Street Armory. We shared Armory memories; responded to ideas for the Armory generated at the May 10 meeting; and discussed different methods of funding and governing the future Armory. Stay tuned for a more detailed report-back!
Working hand-in-hand with City officials and the Armory Community Advisory Committee, the Yale Urban Media Project organized this meeting, created the workshop materials, staffed the small-group discussions and Kids Table, and documented the event. Big thanks to the YUMP team:
Juliana Motta Biancardine, Julie Chan, Millie Johnson, Tommy Lee, Mandi Pretorius, Lester Rosso, Wenzhu Shentu, Anjiang Xu, Jany Xu, Tian Xu, Kevin Yang, and Iris You.
Here are two write-ups of the event (click on image to go to article):